The luck of the Irish -- Sprachreise der 6. Klassen
Contrary to the message of the popular song by John Lennon, the 6n and 6g actually did have huge luck in Ireland, at least with the weather. Temperatures always above 14°C and hardly one rainy day made it a thoroughly pleasant stay in Dún Laoghaire, a suburb of Dublin. Spending the mornings at a language school and the afternoons with various activities, such as cliff-walking in Howth, visiting the Guiness Storehouse, taking a stroll around Glendalough or participating in a dancing lesson for the traditional Irish “Ceili Dance”, brought the students closer to Irish culture. Historical aspects of Ireland were covered by several trips to museums, such as the Jeanie Johnston famine ship or EPIC the Irish museum of Emigration. This week was truly a remarkable experience for the 6th graders, or as the Irish would say - it was grand!
Autorin: Sandra, 6N